So today...we actually started painting in the two groups too. Since the first group had to do the drawing exercise, they didn't accomplish as much. The afternoon group had almost three hours to paint. There is this little dance I do between accepting their paintings and pushing them more to consider composition. I think this is the biggest challenge. I will perhaps influent one of them...You never know...I told them on Sunday (our Monday here) we will put the paintings out to critique while in progress. This put the fear in some..I think that is a good thing...Maurice told me I should be even more challenging and than most people haven't had formal training or any drawing experience and that many start with abstract painting. I do see trends but there are a few that really stand out as very talented.
Mohamed Sidi |
Dali |
Hamadi |
Morkis |
Ahmed, Aicha and Amal |
Bechir |
My beautiful africa, mother of a continent and all beautiful people and colorful ... despite all the difficulties ... The world look more for AFRICA.